It’s Crawfish Season!
Experience Some of These Must Try Bahamian Lobster Dishes

Crawfish season (also referred to as Bahamian lobster or spiny lobster) runs from August 1 to March 31. During this time, you can enjoy a wide range of uniquely Bahamian dishes.
While crawfish don’t have claws, they certainly don’t lack flavour and can be found on a wide range of menus. Here is a quick overview of some “must try” Bahamian crawfish dishes that you won’t soon forget. (Note, on many restaurant menus, the words ‘crawfish’ and ‘lobster’ may be used interchangeably. If another lobster variety is used, it will specifically be noted, by name.)
Cracked Lobster - Whole lobster tails or lobster chunks are dipped into a seasoned egg wash and flour before being fried to a perfect golden brown. It’s a simple dish, but a delicious one, and the only thing you need to add is perhaps a squeeze of fresh lime juice.
Cracked lobster is often served with french fries (usually referred to as a snack) or with peas and rice and a number of sides, like baked macaroni and cheese, coleslaw, or potato salad (this is usually referred to as a dinner.)
Crawfish Salad - Bahamian crawfish salad is a mixture of onions, sweet peppers, lime juice, and diced lobster that is often served on a bed of greens or all by itself. This can also make a delicious sandwich.
Stew Lobster - This dish is a bit harder to find, and not as popular as the others. However, Gone Fishing (which is located at Arawak Cay) offers Stew Lobster as a part of their breakfast menu. Big chunks of fresh crawfish are simmered in a rich, brown gravy, and can be enjoyed with buttery grits, johnny cake - or both!
Grilled Lobster - While some restaurants may place a simple seasoned lobster tail (or whole lobster) on the grill, a Bahamian grilled lobster is usually prepared with onions, sweet peppers, plantains, lime juice, and butter and can be a hearty meal all on it’s own.
Steam or Minced Crawfish - This dish usually includes shredded crawfish meat, cooked in a tomato based sauce, and served on a bed of fluffy white rice. Popular sides include coleslaw or corn.
These are just a few amazing crawfish fishes to try while in The Bahamas. If you are in New Providence, Arawak Cay (also known as The Fry) is a great place to restaurant hop, so that you can get a taste of multiple dishes, in one central location.