Bahamian Slang Pt. 2

It’s quite fine to ask someone to repeat themselves because we understand we have a very quick accent and often times we speak so fast it can all sound like one big run on sentence. But if you can catch a few slang terms then it’s easier to understand, so here’s some more Bahamian slang that may help you understand us just a bit more.
“Don’t do it”
This is a term of endearment (much like most of our slang to be honest). If someone says, “don’t do it” they are more or less saying “You have to be kidding me”. For example: If you have been lying on the beach and come back with a nice tan and my reaction is, “You’re as dark as midnight” which is an extreme comparison, the response would then be, “Don’t do it”. It’s “Stop playing with me” but our unique way of saying it. It’s usually said with a smile and it can even be flirtatious. You can complement a lady and tell her, “You look stunning this evening” and she’ll crack and smile and respond with “Don’t do it” as her way of expressing humility. So, if you hear it know that it’s actually just our way of taking a compliment or extreme comparison by a friend or loved on.
“Well blow me down!”
“Well Blow me down” is the Bahamian equivalent to “Holy Cow!!”. It’s clearly not literal. At no point do we, The Bahamian people, desire ANY extra wind, hurricane or fictional, to blow anything down. However, this term is said usually with alarm upon hearing jarring or exciting news. It was a phrase my father actually loved. It can be whispered, said loudly or said very plainly, but the energy is always there and its understood accordingly.
Dread is a name, that I’m assuming, originated in Jamaica. They would call Rastafarians “Dread(s)” which is a short form way of acknowledging that they have dreadlocks. Shortened to “Dread”, adopted by Bahamians and now we refer to everyone and everything as “dread” regardless of hair length. A question as simple as, “Do you know the time” will garner the reply, “No, dread”. It’s quite simply an affectionate way of acknowledging you as an acquaintance or friend.
I know what you’re thinking: The world says, “Baby”. I’d challenge that the world doesn’t use it quite like we do. Go to any local eatery where Bahamian food is served and I guarantee you that there will be an older stately lady behind the counter and she will refer to you as “Baby”. Especially on the out islands where most restaurants and eateries are run by older women. It is the highest form of customer service and an indicator that the food was made with love and years and years of training/cooking. We almost look forward to hearing it because to Bahamians any older woman is referred to as “mum” and older men “pops”. So, it’s an exchange of a love language that’s been spoken for generations. Dialogue goes like this: “Morning, mum….any food today?”, to which you’ll get a hearty reply, “Yes baby what can I get for you?”. It’s not personal, it’s just how our matriarchs let you know that to them we are all their children. Its village/community speak, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.